We are competence in financial, cost and management accounting. Besides, we have sound knowledge in financial analysis and planning to help clients to make smart decisions.
An updated accounting report can provide more accurate profit and cost analysis for decision making of the management.
We provide the following services
Financial accounting
Bookkeeping – handle daily accounting record and prepare accounting ledger such as general ledger, nominal ledger and sub-ledgers etc and vouchers.Accounts reporting – prepare accounting reports monthly, quarterly or yearly such as profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement upon clients requested.
Cost and management accounting
Implement cost accounting system for clients to manage effective and efficiency of various departments and turnover of inventories for management decision making to optimize the capacity and profit. To implement updated Activity-based costing (ABC) for clients.
Financial analysis
Analyse ratio of assets and liabilities and fixed assets to manage risks of company via analysis of financial data.
Automation of accounting records
Assist clients to purchase suitable accounting software to handle daily accounting record, invoices issuing, monthly statements printing and accounting reports printing.
Budgeting and forecasting
Assist clients to prepare various budgets and forecasting.
Adoption of new accounting standards
Re-enter the accounting data according to updated Hong Kong Financial Accounting Standards of clients to fulfill application requirements of listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Statutory requirements in Hong Kong
All persons carrying on business in Hong Kong are required to keep sufficient records, in English or Chinese, of their income and expenditure to enable their assessable profits to be readily ascertained. There are statutory requirements to record certain specified details of every business transaction. Business records must be retained for at least 7 years after the date of transaction to which they relate; otherwise it may be subject to a penalty or prosecution. Besides, the Companies Ordinance also requires the corporation to keep books for 7 years.